Experienced House Painters in Howrah

We are Performance Painting, a residential and commercial painting and restoration company that has been serving Howrah and the greater Hobart area for over 20 years. In that time our painters have continued to hone our skills and improve our techniques to the point where we have been accredited by Dulux Paint, Australia’s leading paint brand, to represent their brand in our work.

In the years we have been in business, we have enjoyed many return customers that rely on us to perform a quality job on their homes and businesses that make their premises look their best and increase their property value. Our painters are proud of the reputation we’ve earned over the years and strive to keep building upon it.

Expert Painting and Restoration in Howrah

For residents of Howrah, this means that you can trust Performance Painting in whatever painting and restoration job you require.

From meticulous exterior and interior painting jobs that demand solid preparation and application techniques, to restoration jobs on your siding and roof that require intimate knowledge of proven preservation methods for your structure’s building materials – we rise to every challenge.

If you are a homeowner or business owner who is considering having painting or restoration work performed, please, give us a call. Let us tell you more about the services our painters can provide for you.