To make what was, beautiful again.
All restorations and renovations share one goal. To make what was, beautiful again, so you can love where you live. As professional house painters and restorers, this is central to what we do across all of our house painting projects. Tasmanian to the core, our heart beats for the beauty that our buildings’ heritage offers.
We work with our clients to restore their properties to whatever aesthetic and use they are envisioning, and work within each individual’s unique budget, taste and style.
Hobart House Painting: What We Do
We bring 30 years of experience to every job, the painting industry’s highest qualifications, and quality of product and practice to provide:
- Weatherboard restoration
- Paint restoration
- Re-painting
- Chipping and gapping
- Sanding and surfacing
- A combination of the above
We also have a wide local network of specialised tradespeople, including carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and more, should you require their services on your project.
Our team works on a variety of projects, including:
- Full property
- Internal
- External
- Homes
- Commercial Sites
How It Works
- We’ll organise a time to inspect your site, and will email you to confirm and remind you of the date and time.
- At the inspection, we’ll have a chat with you to find out exactly what you’re after, as well as taking all of the relevant information needed to prepare your obligation free quote.
- Within 24 hours, we’ll send you a detailed, itemized quote that presents and describes everything that we’ll do on the job. This can include a Colour Consultation, valued at $149, however is complementary should you choose to work with us.
- Once accepted, we’ll take an initial deposit and book in a time for our team to start.
- Provided there aren’t any unforeseen weather or circumstantial hindrances, the paint restoration work should take anywhere between 6-9 working days.
- Once the project is complete, we’ll issue an invoice. If you, or any of your family and friends require our services or have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate to get in touch again.